International Research Conference
International Collaborative Research Project on Comparative Study on Current Conditions and Perspective of Program Designs and
Quality Assurance System for University-based
Teacher Education in East Asia 

 A Conference was held on Tuesday, February 14, 2012, at Garden City Shinagawa, Tokyo. Participating in the international conference was a total of twenty-four academics from the following ten universities: Northeast Normal University, East China Normal University, Nanjing Normal University, Kongju National University, National Taiwan Normal University, Hokkaido University of Education, Aichi University of Education, Osaka Kyoiku University, Fukuoka University of Education, and Tokyo Gakugei University. The international conference featured reports and analyses of the current situation regarding the teacher education system and related quality assurance in each country/region. Participants also had a lively exchange of opinions regarding policies for organizing and promoting the international collaborative research. In addition, the conference included exchange with graduate students as ten Tokyo Gakugei University graduate students coordinated a poster session.

Report on International Conference
Keynote Report