Poster Session

1. Time and Date

Date: November 3, 2012(Sat.)
Preparation: 13:30 - 14:00
Display: 14:00 - 17:00
Presentation: 15:00 - 15:45
Remove: 17:00 - 17:30

2. Guidelines of Poster Session

Preliminary Registration

If you wish to participate in a Poster Session, please complete the Preliminary Registration Card (It is included in 1st Circular). Please send the completed form to us by postal or electronic mail through the International Section of your University by Friday, June 29 at the contact information below.

After the Preliminary Registration, please send the Application form from the registration page until September 14(Fri.), 2012.


Master’s Student, Doctoral Student and Postdoctoral Researchers (within five years of receiving Ph.D.)
It is available to apply with many presenters.

Contents of Poster

Pedagogy, Teacher Education Study, School Subject Study, Educational Contents Study, Educational Psychology, Comparative Education Study, etc.
Contents are asked to be unpublished.


Poster’s language is to be English.
Any language is acceptable on presentation.

3. The way to Presentation

Each participant gives a presentation in front of poster.
Poster: A0, 1 piece
Preparation: Please prepare on yourself on the day, and follow instructions of the staff.
Participant's selection:
If there are so many participants, we may adjust its number.

Where to apply

Makoto Shimoda(Mr.)
Office of Promoting International Strategies, Tokyo Gakugei University

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