Using 21CoDOMoS for Teacher Training

Using 21CoDOMoS for in-service and pre-service teacher training sessions

21CoDOMoS streams lesson videos that help schoolteachers and students aspiring to become schoolteachers to design lessons that cultivate competencies in classrooms.

Teacher training sessions can be divided into two types: individual learning model and public class model. While 21CoDOMoS can be used for both, the more effective method is the public class model. This page explains several patterns when offering a public class model of teacher training sessions.

21CoDOMoSによる個別学習型研修 自宅や学校で21CoDOMoSを見て,各自で授業について考える
21CoDOMoSによる公開授業型研修 ディスカッションなどを通じて気づきをえる

Using 21CoDOMoS in public class model teacher training sessions

Teacher training sessions using the public class model can incorporate 21CoDOMoS in various ways depending on the following factors: 1) with whom the videos are viewed, 2) which videos are viewed, and 3) where the viewing takes place.

1. With whom the videos are viewed

As a class
All attendees view a single lesson video on a shared screen
Attendees can feel as if they are watching a live lesson
In groups
Attendees are divided to watch a video separately in groups
Attendees can watch a video while exchanging comments amongst themselves
Attendees are each provided with laptops (or they stay at home) to watch a video independently
Attendees can watch a video at their own time and pace

2. Which videos are viewed

Attendees view the same video
Attendees can focus on a single lesson to think and discuss how to cultivate competencies in depth
Attendees view different lessons from the same subject
Attendees specializing in the same subject can view different lessons from the same subject to compare and contrast methods for cultivating competencies
Attendees view videos of different subjects and different schools
Attendees can acquire a transdisciplinary perspective and examine how competencies can be cultivated across subjects

3. Where the viewing takes place

At a single location
Lecturers and attendees all gather at a single location
Requires less preparation and both lecturers and attendees can participate in a familiar style
At dispersed locations
Attendees can view and discuss the videos at several, dispersed locations and share the thoughts raised at each location using a conference call system
Attendees can participate in an in-person session at a venue close to their homes
Online sessions
Attendees independently watch videos on 21CoDOMoS and hold a synchronous online session using a conference call system
Attendees can participate from home or at work