a. Papers

1. A sphere as a surface which contains many circles, Journal ofGeometry 24 (1985) 123-130

2. A closed surface of genus one in cannot contain seven circles through each point, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society vol.100 no.1 (May 1987) 145-147

3. A surface which contains planar geodesics, Geometriae Dedicata 27 no.2 (1988) 223-225

4. A sphere as a surface which contains many circles II, Journal of Geometry 34 (1989) 195-200

5. (with Michiko Tamura) A surface which contains Helical geodesics, Bulletin of Tokyo Gakugei University Sect.IV Mathematics and Natural Sciences, vol42, August (1990 ) 15-18

6. A surface which contains planar geodesics II, Bulletin of Tokyo Gakugei University Sect.IV Mathematics and Natural Sciences, vol43, August (1991 ) 5-8

7. (with Reiko Miyaoka ) A note on Ogiue-Takagi conjecture on a characterization of euclidean 2-spheres, Memoirs of the Faculty of Science, Kyushu University Series A Mathematics vol.XLVI, No.1 March, (1992) 129-135

8. (with Koichi Ogiue ) A geometric construction of a torus which contains five circles through each point, Bulletin of Tokyo Gakugei University Sect.IV Mathematics and Natural Sciences, vol44, August (1992 ) 15-18

9. (with Koichi Ogiue ) Hulahoop surface,Journal of Geometry 46 (1993) 127-132

10. (with Koichi Ogiue ) A sphere can be characterized as a smooth ovaloid which contains one circle through each point, Journal of Geometry 49 (1994) 163-165

11. (with Kubosawa ) A parametrization of a torus which contains six circle through each point, Bulletin of Tokyo Gakugei University Sect.IV Mathematics and Natural Sciences, vol 50, August (1998)

12.Cyclides , Hokkaido Math. J. (2000), no. 1, 119-148

13.(with Shyuichi Izumiya) Singularties of ruled surfaces in R3, Proceedings of Cambridge Philosphical Soc.(2001),130,no. 1, 1-11

14.(with Shyuichi Izumiya), Generic properties of helices and Bertrand curves, Journal of Geometry 74 (2002), 97-109

15.(with Shyuichi Izumiya), Special Curves and ruled surfaces, Beitrage zur Algebra und Geometrie. Contributions to Algebra and Geometry , 44/1, (2003),203-212

16.(with Shyuichi Izumiya), New Special Curves and Developable Surfaces,Turkish Journal of Mathematics , 28/2, (2003),119-136

17.(with Shyuichi Izumiya), Geometry of Ruled Surfaces ,Applicable Mathematics in the Golden Age J. C. Misra Narosa Publishing House, Delhi, India , (2003),305-338

18.(with Shyuichi Izumiya & Kentaro Saji), Singularities of line congruences,Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A , 133/6, (2004),1341-1359

19.(with Shyuichi Izumiya & Kentaro Saji), Circular surfaces, Advances Geometry , 7 2, (2007), 295 -313

20. Cyclides as surfaces which contain many circles, Real and Complex Singularities: Proceedings of the Australian-Japanese Workshop, World Scientific (2007), 419-426          

21.(with Kiyoomi Kataoka), A System of Fifth-Order Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations and a Surface Which Contains Many Circles, RIMS Kôkyûroku 1723 (2011),142-149

b. Books

1. (泉屋 周一との共著) 線織面の微分幾何と特異点, 特集 : 微分幾何の新世紀

応用数理,数理物理への展開, 数理科学 20012月号 No.452 (in Japanese).

. かたちの事典 高木隆司(編集)分担執筆2003

3. (泉屋 周一との共著) 切って、見て、触れて よくわかる「かたち」の数学    日科技連出版社 2005

4. (泉屋 周一との共著) 別冊数理科学 20084月号「多様体の広がり」III.曲面の魅力 「線織面の微分幾何と特異点」
サイエンス社 , 87-94 ,2008

5, (泉屋 周一、村山光孝との共著) 座標幾何学 日科技連出版社,2008

6, (泉屋 周一、村山光孝との共著) 座標幾何学演習 日科技連出版社,2009