
Milijana Vujaklija

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Milijana-Vujaklija.jpgHi! I'm Milijana Vujaklija from Serbia and I am at Tokyo Gakugei University as a MEXT scholarship recipient of their teacher training programme. For any teacher this kind of programme is a dream come true. You get the opportunity to do your research in an intellectually stimulating environment of one of the leading Japanese universities when it comes to education, while also being able to learn the language, a lot about Japan and its culture and all that through an array of arts and sports activities that the university offers. The campus is exceptionally beautiful and lively making it for a perfect film setting. And for any queries or uncertainties that you might encounter along the way, you will always find a good friend in The International Student Division as well as all the amazing teachers and the administrative staff. This truly is a unique experience for any teacher eager for improvement while at the same time actually having an opportunity to immerse themselves in the culture of the amazing Japan. I wholeheartedly recommend it!

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