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 A geographical area defined by an approximate boundary drawn by nature itself. Each area is distinguished by unique characteristics such as flora, fauna, water systems, geology, landforms, and local societies and cultures which have developed based on such natural characteristics. (This definition is based on the article written by Yuichi Inoue who is the co-author of Searching for Environmental Richness edited by Shuichi Kito and published by Showado.)


 The activity for connecting local nature, traditional culture, and the people who support them, is regarded as a museum of the whole local area, and make use of it for environmental conservation and local revitalization.

 It is a movement for local people to participate in exploratory learning activities of local nature, cultures and environment, to recognize their value and to appreciate the real-life area as an open air museum through the regeneration and creation of nature, cultures and the environment.

 In addition, it is also characterized by the fact that local people proactively participate in the management of the activities.

【Local Stakeholders】

 All people and organizations related to local issues.

 As for this project, local stakeholders include governments, schools, local municipalities, companies, local merchants’ associations, agricultural cooperatives, consumer cooperatives, chambers of commerce and industry, and forest cooperatives.

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